Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jeanne Story #1

When I was in high school I had a friend whose family often told me they wanted me to write down my "stories" so they could send them into Readers Digest and make some money...
This had lead me to believe that perhaps others out there would be interested in my Jeanne stories so here goes...
When I was 4 I went to the park and when I saw all the the other kids climbing up the front of the slide and flipping themselves over the bar and sliding back down I knew I HAD TO DO IT! So sure enough I started climbing up the front of the slide went to flip over the bar and that's all I remember..next thing I knew I was lying on the ground with some strange woman holding a wash cloth to my head which seemed to be bleeding profusely. My sisters had run home to get my Mom who came rushing over to find her first born lying on the ground. When she asked what had happened no one really knew except of course for my sisters who gleefully filled her in on my attempted flip. My Mom took me home called the Dr. who told her to keep an eye on me and if I started throwing up to bring me into the hospital. Well sure enough around 2 am I started puking my guts out and was rushed to the ER and admitted into the hospital for observations since clearly I had a concussion. My Mom was told to leave the hospital and that I would be fine...all alone..in the hospital...by myself. Well minutes after she left I promptly SCREAMED bloody murder...non stop...for what must have been a very long time because they called my Mother and told her to come back. Luckily for me it was my Father who came to spend the night with me in the scary hospital. The next day my Grandma came to visit with a stuffed octopus. I was in heaven. I had to spend another night in the hospital and my Father spent it with me again. The next morning I told him I had to go to the bathroom and my Dad told me to go to the restroom, I looked at him confused because up to that point I had had to go into a bed pan. My Dad emphatically told me it would be OK. I walked into the bathroom and almost passed out from vertigo. I think that was the last time that my Mother ever let my Dad be in charge of anything.

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