Friday, July 31, 2009

Directionally Challenged

This is another Jeanne classic. My BEST friend Russ went to college in Michigan and after while I decided it would be nice for me to drive up and visit him. So I convinced my Mom to lend me her car for the weekend and oddly enough my sister Chrissy volunteered to come with me. We got some basic directions from Russ' parents something like this:

Take 294

to 94

Take the blank rd exit

dead ends to the college

How hard could this be right????

So Chrissy and I start out on a Saturday morning and I am thinking Michigan is north of us basically so we get on 294 N. We drive and drive and drive...into Wisconsin...hmmm this does not seem right. So we pull over at a gas station and ask them where we went wrong. Now you MUST keep in mind that Wisconsinites and Chicagoans are basically enemies. SO this gas station attendant tells me to get on 94 going WEST. Now again I am pretty dismal at directions and did not really think about where we were. So we head onto 94 WEST and drive for about 10 hours. During this time it’s gotten dark and foggy VERY VERY VERY foggy. And we keep seeing a sign for Detriot. So obviously I assume we are getting closer! However once it gets to be about 10 pm and we never see the sign for blank rd I know we are in trouble. I pull over and find a pay phone to call Russ because remember this is back in the dark ages before cell phones and GPS. Russ oddly enough is FREAKING out and I have to spend about 10 mins talking him off a ledge. Then he asks me where I I look around me and I see a bunch of postings for happenings in Minnesota?!?!? Wha..what?!??! *GULP*. I tell Russ I need to go and I'll call him back. I drive a little further to a gas stop and the kind man behind the counter tells me we are about a mile from the North Dakota border and that sign I was seeing was for Lake Detroit! Ummm what the...?!?!?? So Chrissy and I discuss next steps, stay at some random motel for which we do not have money or turn around and drive home. Chrissy says she does not care and jumps into the back seat to sleep. I go into the gas station get a GINORMOUS coffee and muffin, call Russ to tell him we are not coming and drive another 10 hours back to Chicago. I am not making this up!

1 comment:

  1. that is freaking HILARIOUS! I've never heard that one before :)
