Thursday, July 9, 2009


My sophomore year of high school began my theater career. I auditioned for "A Connecticut Yankee in King's Arthur Court" and received the part of ..."walk-on". I had one job to walk on stage during one scene and place an envelope on a table and walk off stage. But after that I was HOOKED! I loved being on stage and the lights and the rehearsals everything about theater I fell in love with. The next play was "The Madwomen of Chaillot". I received the part of Madam Gabrielle...a crazy old lady who talked to imaginary people. I spent an entire Act on stage talking to imaginary people, wearing a hat with a bird on a spring that flew around my head as I was making conversation with imaginary people. Some say it was type casting....but I was a HIT! Kids in school, teachers, all came up to me throughout the year telling me they loved the part I played in that production.
And I was sold I wanted to be an actress, I knew I had found my calling life.

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